Thursday, April 26, 2018

Rimfire Challenge

Our club will be hosting Rimfire Challenge nights 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month starting this May.

Stay tuned for details...

May 2018 Newsletter

The next meeting will be May 1 at 7PM. Please send, $60 dues which are due Jan. 1st, to PO Box 795 Mitchell SD. Please include legible E-Mail. Also include your NRA number. Please remember all help is voluntary and issues do occur. Chuck 996-4190 or 999-3578 As always thanks to you the members for making what we do a success. With all that is going with guns you might want to make some phone calls to Pierre and Washington to stand our ground. If they want to raise the purchase age to 21, suggest making 21 the voting age as well. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is not hunting it is to protect us from the government and to train to protect the country. The firearms that were available in 1787 were equal as is the AR-15 today (almost). Be careful and be safe. Chuck

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April 2018 Newsletter

The next meeting will be APR. 3rd at 7PM. Please send, $60 dues which are due Jan. 1st, to PO Box 795 Mitchell SD. Please include legible E-Mail. Also include your NRA number. Please remember all help is voluntary and issues do occur. Chuck 996-4190 or 999-3578 As always thanks to you the members for making what we do a success. With all that is going with guns you might want to make some phone calls to Pierre and Washington to stand our ground. If they want to raise the purchase age to 21, suggest making 21 the voting age as well. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is not hunting it is to protect us from the government. The firearms that were available in 1787 were equal as is the AR-15 today (almost). Be careful and be safe. Chuck